Ayu Health

Health & Lifestyle

How to get rid of piles?

Piles are swollen veins and tissues, also known as haemorrhoids, formed inside or around the anus (rectum). Piles are made of tissues, blood vessels, and muscles. 

They are usually classified into three types according to the severeness level – 

  • Grade 1 Piles is considered to be least severe, 
  • Grade 2 and Grade 3 piles may require proper medications and sometimes surgical intervention as well. 
  • Grade 4 requires a medical emergency.

Millions of people develop piles once in their lifetime and these have also been observed in women during and after pregnancy. As mentioned by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, about half of the adults that age more than 50 suffer from the problem of piles. 

Moreover, many people do not visit a doctor if they have piles. It may or may not cure without visiting a doctor.

The size of piles can vary, and they may be internal or external. The internal piles are usually 2-4cm above the opening of the anus. The external piles are generally located at the edge of the anus. 

If you suspect that you may be suffering from piles, please immediately consult your doctor.

Symptoms of piles

A vector image showing internal and external piles (hemorrhoids)

External haemorrhoids

These are present around the anus under your skin. They have the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain
  • Irritation and itching in the anal area
  • Bleeding through anus
  • Swelling around the anal region

Internal haemorrhoids

They exist inside the rectum, which can be hardly seen. Their symptoms are not painful and might include:

  • Painless bleeding while stool passage
  • Strain and irritation around the anal region 

Thrombosed haemorrhoids

Thrombosed haemorrhoids form due to a decrease in the blood flow that results in the blood clot. It can cause the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain
  • Bleeding through anus
  • Swelling around the anal region
  • Inflammation
  • Formation of a hard lump near the anus

Causes of piles

  • Chronic constipation
  • Lifting heavyweights
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Straining when passing stool and many more.

Pregnancy, increasing age, and family history of piles can also lead to the formation of haemorrhoids in people.

When to see a doctor

People suffering from severe pain or observing bleeding during the bowel movements need to have an immediate consultation with the doctor. 

There have been cases where cause of excessive bleeding comes out to be anal cancer or colorectal cancer or any other disease. Dangers of piles if left untreated can be dreading.

So, it is highly recommended to visit a doctor immediately if you are suffering from lightheadedness or a large amount of rectal bleeding.

Best treatments to remove piles

Grade I and grade II piles or haemorrhoids are treated by just bringing lifestyle changes like keeping a balanced diet, increasing the intake of laxatives and a fibre-rich food, using an ice pack and taking a sitz bath. 

But grade III and IV require surgery and proper medical follow-ups. 

Seeing the severity of the problem, the doctor may recommend treatment from the following:

Traditional surgery

Traditional surgery is carried out to cure internal haemorrhoids. Doctors under this category can either perform open or close surgery; both involve cuts and incisions. The process helps in the successful removal of piles from the anal region using scissors or scalpel.

The patient undergoing this surgery needs to stay for 2-4 days in the hospital, and the patient can resume with the routine after a minimum of 3 weeks. 

Laser procedure

The laser procedure is performed by inserting a device into the anal region whose energy shrinks the mass layer and that automatically adheres to the skin. It involves no incision and no wound procedure.

The process completes in a few minutes, but the patient may require to stay for one day at the hospital. The benefit of this treatment is that the patient can continue with the daily activities from the next itself. 

Patients and doctors usually prefer treatment because of the “no-pain” and “taking less time” factor. Such procedures have a lesser risk factor that may prevail after treat

Stapler haemorrhoidectomy

This treatment is performed to cure internal haemorrhoids. Using a small hollow tube that is inserted into the anal region and the internal haemorrhoids are adjusted in this tube. The tube affluently sutures and pulls off the part above the haemorrhoids that automatically cuts the haemorrhoids. 

The doctor can accomplish the process in just 30 minutes, whereas the patient may need to stay in the hospital for a day due to mild pain. Post that, the patient can immediately start with his or her healthy lifestyle. 

Prevention is better than cure

Try to keep your stool soft so that they pass easily and that will reduce the chances of housing a haemorrhoid. To do this, you need to follow the following steps even to avoid or for a faster recovery after getting treatment for piles.

  1. Consuming high-quality diet: Piles are typically caused when there is excessive straining during bowel movements. To avoid straining, you should consume food that is rich in fibre like vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. It will soften the stool and help to get some relief from piles. Avoiding caffeine and increasing water intake will also help in curing piles
  2. Reducing bodyweight: Doctors always recommend doing exercise to control weight, which will subsequently reduce piles. Training is one of the significant therapies to treat piles.
  3. Medication: Consuming prescribed medication such as Laxatives, Corticosteroids will significantly help to treat piles.

Choose Ayu Health

We are India’s most trusted network of high-quality hospitals, and we have a team of pre-eminent proctologists with years of experience in treating piles. Ayu Health offer the entire range of treatment for piles – non-surgical to traditional, laser and stapler surgeries. All our hospitals are accredited by NABH.

If you are looking for a leading proctologist who can treat and perform effective surgery for severe piles in India, you can call +91 – 6366 100 800 or visit us at our website to learn more.

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