Going under the knife even the smallest of surgeries can be horrifying let alone to treat piles. Surgery is a quick and effective way to treat piles. But can piles be cured without surgery? Fortunately, there are several non-invasive treatments for hemorrhoids that are safe with proven results. In this blog, we will understand some of the non-surgical treatments for piles.
What is Piles
Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are enlarged veins in the anus and lower rectum that resemble varicose veins. Piles depending upon their type and severity affect overall lifestyle, affecting one’s ability to perform regular activities. Hemorrhoids, which form inside the rectum, anus and beneath the skin, cause enough pain that one can find it hard to get out of bed.
Types of Piles
- Internal
A prolapsed hemorrhoid is the medical word for this. During an external inspection, internal piles within the rectum are typically not evident. However, occasionally an internal pile may develop and extend from the anus.
- External
On the outside margin of the anus, external piles take the form of tiny bumps. They itch a lot and can get painful if a blood clot forms because it can stop blood flow. External piles that have thrombosed or clotted need to be treated by a doctor right away.
Symptoms of Piles
Often, piles symptoms are not serious and go away on their own. A person with piles may exhibit any of the following signs and symptoms:
- Uncomfortable nodules in and around the anus
- Soreness and itching near the anus
- Discomfort both during and after stools are passed
- Soiled stools
Pile formation can worsen into a more serious condition. These consist of:
- Excessive anal bleeding that could result in anemia
- Infection
- Urination incontinence
- Anal fistula
- A hemorrhage that has been strangulated, meaning that its anal muscles have cut off its blood flow
However, a lot of piles sufferers cannot exhibit any symptoms. This usually occurs when the piles is in the early stage where there will be no feeling or sensation during bowel movement.
Stages of Piles
There are four stages for piles, each of which indicates how serious the condition is. Stage 1 has no edema (swelling) and is the initial stage which is not extremely serious or painful. Stage 4 displays a prolapsed hemorrhoid with significant surrounding irritation.
- Grade I: During bowel movements, a first-degree internal hemorrhoid or first-stage piles bulges into the anal canal. At this stage piles are formed internally without any visible difference, there might be some irritation and problems while dealing with it. This stage can be cured with cream to control inflammation, itching and swelling.
- Grade II: During bowel movements, a second-degree internal hemorrhoid or second-stage piles swell from the anus, but they return to the interior on their own. A proper therapy treatment would be required, these treatments would last 6 months to 1 year for a full recovery.
- Grade III: Third-degree hemorrhoids or third-stage piles can be pushed in with a finger and protrude from the anus during bowel movements. After bowel movements, they may occasionally need to be pushed back in. The situation at this stage of pain would be increased by multiple times and with normal therapy along with some additional medication scope of recovery can be improved.
- Grade IV: Fourth-degree hemorrhoids or fourth-stage piles constantly protrude out the anus. At this stage, the blood clot becomes hardened causing severe pain which can be referred to as thrombosed. The pain becomes excruciating, staple hemorrhoidectomy is by far the most convenient and less painful remedy, as it uses staples for holding tissue in place.
Piles Treatment without Surgery
Seventy-five percent of people will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lifespan. Due to societal stigma and the embarrassment to discuss this condition, many individuals avoid taking help in the early stages. A disease that can be cured easily with the help of ointments and creams for short-term relief and exercise to cure piles permanently, is exacerbated leading to the condition requiring surgery to cure it. Here are some home remedies to cure piles.
1. The Ayurvedic Way
Can piles be cured without surgery through Ayurveda? Well, the answer is yes. There are some Ayurvedic treatments that are used to treat piles.
- Ksharsutra
For the treatment of fistula-in-ano, ksharsutra insertion using a baby feeding tube as opposed to a metallic probe has proven to be safe, less uncomfortable, and more acceptable. It has no danger of creating an iatrogenic fistulous tract. It has contributed to easing the overall burden on the hospital system by making the treatment of fistula-in-ano using ksharsutra a routine procedure.
- Kshara Karma
Kshara karma is a milder, safer process that can be opted for instead of surgical methods and has successfully addressed the condition affecting the rectum. Kshara Karma is a minimally invasive, safe therapy with no known negative effects.
Ayurvedic remedies consist of natural and herbal methods. It requires lifestyle changes as possibly minimal invasive procedures as part of their treatment plan. The cure is variable according to the patient’s physiology and may take longer durations for treatments to take effect.
2. Non-Surgical Procedures
There are some non-surgical treatment methods that have been medically approved for getting rid of piles. These procedures
- Rubber Band Ligation
Another non-surgical option for treating piles is rubber band ligation. However, this is only applicable to internal hemorrhoids. A rubber band is tied at the bottom of the piles as part of the procedure. This stops hemorrhoid’s blood supply, which causes it to either shrink or dry up and fall off.
A tiny tube called an anoscope with a camera inside is used to perform the rubber band ligation. This is placed inside the patient’s anus. After being located, the hemorrhoid is grabbed and bound at the base with a rubber band. The banded mounds often disappear within a week. The scarred region will prevent the veins from turning into the anal canal.
- Sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy aims to halt the blood flow to the hemorrhoids as well. In this method, a chemical solution that hardens and cuts off the blood supply is injected at the base of the pile, scarring the tissue. The mounds get smaller as the blood flow is stopped. This can be carried out simultaneously for multiple piles. This treatment is far less unpleasant and safer. Patients can notice faint blood in their stools for the first few days following the treatment.
- Electrotherapy
Electrotherapy is used for smaller piles that are not excellent candidates for banding. A device known as a “proctoscope” is used to locate the pile to accomplish this. A second probe is then used to hold the pile while it is being electrocuted. The electric current effectively blocks the blood flow by thickening the blood in a pile. Consequently, the mounds begin to diminish.
- Infrared Photocoagulation Therapy to treat piles
Conceptually, this process is comparable to electrotherapy. High-intensity infrared light’, as opposed to an electric current, is utilized to create scar tissue at the base of the pile, cutting off the blood supply. Small and medium-sized heaps are treated with this method. Normally, just one pile is treated at a time, with the remaining appointments spaced two weeks apart. After the surgery, the area will feel hot and painful. Your doctor may recommend medicine to treat them.
Final View
Pile-related issues typically go away within a few days. However, the patient has to endure a great deal of pain and itching in the area for the few days it lasts. Proctologists advise surgery as the best course for getting rid of piles. On the other hand, there are numerous non-surgical treatments for treating piles.
Can piles be cured without surgery to decrease inflammations and the likelihood of prolapsed hemorrhoids? The answer is simple – you must contact a proctologist and modify your diet and bathroom routine. And at Ayu Health, we have the best doctors who offer splendid care for all your piles-related problems. We have everything you need to give yourself the best chance of recovering from piles as quickly as possible.
If you need additional resources or would like to speak with a professional, feel free to contact us right away at +91 636-610-0800 or book an appointment on our website. Our expert team is here to assist and support you every step of the way.
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About the Author
Dr. S. Goel
Dr. S. Goel is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore. He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.