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April 19 is World Liver Day, 2023: How to maintain liver health

April 19 is World Liver Day, 2023


Every year on the 19th of April, World Liver Day is celebrated to create awareness about the various diseases affecting the liver and educate people about the importance of liver health. There are several liver diseases that affect the liver, such as hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer etc. There are several factors that affect the liver health. Hence, it is essential to spread awareness about these various causes of liver problems and diseases, to educate people this World Liver Day 2023. 

To spread awareness about liver health this World Liver Day 2023, let us learn more about the causes and symptoms of liver diseases and the ways to maintain liver health. So, please keep reading.

What are the causes of various liver diseases?

There are different causes of different types of liver diseases. It is essential to be aware of the liver disease causes and takes proper measure on time to safeguard the liver health. The various causes of liver diseases may include the following,

  • Genetic factors that may cause liver diseases such as Wilson’s disease, Hemochromatosis and Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  • Viral infections that cause hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C
  • Immune system problems that may cause autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis etc 
  • Liver cancer and tumors 
  • Alcohol-related fatty liver disease 
  • Liver adenoma
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Chronic consumption of alcohol 
  • Effect of certain medications

Apart from these causes of liver diseases, there are several risk factors that may increase a person’s risk of developing liver diseases. These risk factors of liver diseases include the following, 

  • Being obese 
  • Having unprotected sex
  • A family history of liver diseases 
  • Chemical or toxin exposure for a prolonged time 
  • Having type 2 diabetes 
  • Having high cholesterol levels 

Complications of diseases

If the symptoms of liver diseases are not acknowledged on time and if these liver diseases are left untreated, they may give rise to severe complications. These various complications of liver disease may include the following, 

  • Liver cancer 
  • Liver scarring or liver cirrhosis 
  • Jaundice in Newborns
  • Hepatorenal Syndrome (HRS)
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy

Symptoms of liver diseases   

The symptoms of liver disease are not always very prominent. However, when they do appear, the following symptoms may be seen, 

  • Pain in the abdomen 
  • Abdominal swelling 
  • Dark colored urine 
  • Jaundice 
  • Fatigue 
  • Swollen legs and ankle 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Appetite loss 

Tips to keep your liver healthy

The liver is one of the main and important organs of the body. Hence, it is extremely essential to take care of the liver’s health. The various tips that you can follow to take care of your liver and keep it healthy may include the following, 

  • Limit or stop alcohol consumption 
  • Practice safe sex to prevent viral infections
  • Get vaccinated for the hepatitis virus 
  • Check the medications and supplements you are taking 
  • Do not take excessive doses of NSAIDs
  • Wash your hands frequently and maintain good personal hygiene 
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet 
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Don’t share needles 
  • Avoid your exposure to harmful toxins 

Foods to eat for a healthy liver 

One of the most important aspects of having a healthy liver is eating mindfully. A diet plays a significant role in maintaining optimum liver health. Hence, it is important to eat healthily. To improve your liver health, you can add these foods for liver in your diet, which include, 

  • Grapefruit
  • Coffee
  • Berries
  • Grapes
  • Fatty fish
  • Nuts 
  • Olive oil
  • Beetroot
  • Cruciferous vegetables

Apart from these healthy foods, avoid eating the following foods to ensure good liver health,

  • Foods high in sugar 
  • Foods with high salt
  • Fatty foods 
  • Fried foods 
  • Fast foods 
  • Starchy foods
  • Alcohol 

Also Read : Yoga for Fatty Liver: A Natural Approach to Improve Liver Health


World Liver Day 2023 serves as a reminder to take care of our liver health by recognizing the symptoms of liver diseases, knowing and preventing its causes and risk factors and seeking timely diagnoses and treatment. Liver health is majorly affected by everyday practices such as unhealthy eating, a sedentary lifestyle, unsafe sexual practices, alcohol and drug abuse, etc. Hence, this World Liver Day 2023, it is essential to create awareness about the various symptom, causes and risk factors of liver diseases and tips to prevent liver diseases among your family and friends. 

At Ayu Health , we ensure that all our patients get an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment for all conditions, including liver diseases. Apart from our highly personalized treatment plans, our exceptionally experienced and skilled team of nutritionists and dieticians also provides personalized nutrition and diet plans to all our patients, including those with liver diseases. We know the importance of the right treatment; hence, we ensure to provide the right treatment plans to our patients at highly affordable costs. 

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About the Author

Dr goel
Dr. S. Goel
MBBS PGDCM FID MBAHHM at Ayu Health | Website | + posts

Dr. S. Goel  is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore.  He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.

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