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World Immunization Week 2023, All about importance of immunization


World Immunisation Week, observed in the final week of April, emphasizes the importance of collaborative action in protecting people from vaccine-preventable diseases. After more than two years of immunization sliding back due to COVID-19 pandemic interruptions, we must catch up, restore, and strengthen immunization services to reach the millions of people who are losing out on the life-saving benefits of vaccines and prevent outbreaks from spreading. This blog highlights what immunization is, the importance of immunization, and five reasons to get vaccinated

World Immunization Week 2023 Theme 

The theme for World Immunisation Week this year, 2023, is “The Big Catch-Up.” The World Health Organisation is working with collaborators to help governments get back on track so that more people, particularly children, are protected against preventable diseases. World Immunisation Week aims to protect more children, adults, and communities against vaccine-preventable diseases, empowering them to enjoy happier and healthier lives.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), in association with other international and local entities, participated in this global event to safeguard local people from vaccine-preventable diseases and to educate them through various campaigns and events. The World Immunisation Week 2023 initiatives emphasize the importance of vaccines and vaccination and assist governments in providing the essential technical help and information to begin efficient immunization schemes.

Importance Of World Immunisation Week

In 2021 alone, about 25 million youngsters will have missed at least one immunization. Vaccine-preventable illnesses (VPDs) are infectious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria that can be prevented with immunization. These VPDs are still one of the leading causes of death in children under five.

Immunization can help prevent VPDs in children and other infectious diseases in adults, such as polio, diphtheria, tetanus, COVID-19, etc. Immunization is an essential part of primary health care and one of the most effective investments you can make to help make the world a better and safer place. 

How Vaccines Work?

Immunization is the process of administering a vaccination to an individual to protect them from disease. Our immune system produces antibodies to combat the disease as soon as the pathogen enters our body. The immune system can recall both the illness and the treatment it received. Naturally replicating this mechanism, vaccines aid in the prevention of infectious diseases. In response to dead or weak bacteria, they produce antibodies that confer immunity without disease.

Five Important Reasons To Get Vaccinated

Vaccination Saves Lives

A vaccine can be the difference between life and death. Immunization currently saves the lives of 2-3 million people annually. On the other hand, an increase in worldwide vaccine coverage might prevent an additional 1.5 million deaths.

Helps In Disease Eradication

Some illnesses, such as polio, are on the verge of extinction. Two of the three wild polio strains have been eradicated. Polio paralyzed fewer children in 2016 than in any previous year.

They also hope that the HPV vaccination strategy will result in the abolition of cervical cancer. The early indications are beneficial.

Future Generations Are Protected Through Immunization

Many diseases that killed or seriously incapacitated people just a few generations ago have been minimized and, in some cases, eliminated because of vaccinations. For instance, immunization against smallpox led to its global eradication. Because the disease has been eradicated, your children must no longer receive smallpox vaccinations. The probability that pregnant women may transmit the rubella (German measles) virus to their fetus or baby has been significantly reduced by immunizing children against this disease. Birth abnormalities linked to that virus are no longer prevalent in the United States.

Vaccinations Boost Immunity

A child who has received a disease vaccination will be better able to fight it off. Nevertheless, a youngster who has not received the vaccine is more likely to contract the sickness and get seriously ill.

Vaccinations Are Extremely Effective And Safe

Vaccines are administered to children only after a thorough and extended evaluation by scientists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals. In contrast to the pain, discomfort, and trauma of the diseases these vaccines are intended to prevent, the discomfort associated with vaccinations, like pain, redness, or tenderness at injection site, is minor. Serious adverse reactions to vaccinations, like life-threatening allergies, are extremely uncommon. For almost all children, the advantages of receiving vaccinations regarding disease prevention outweigh the potential risks.


Immunizations guarantee a long life for everyone. Consult your doctor about being immunized against a disease if you need to travel to a place where it is more prevalent. A medical practitioner can answer any of your questions about vaccinations and recommend the best shots for you and your family. Let’s raise awareness of immunization in our neighborhood during this immunization week in 2023. We can work towards a world where everyone, regardless of background or geographical location, has access to the vaccines they need to live long and full lives by continuing to invest in research, innovation, and education.

At Ayu Health Network of hospitals, we provide prompt diagnosis, treatment and care for all diseases. Our highly specialized team of doctors and hospital staff work with the goal of providing the best and most affordable services to our patients. With our highly advanced technologies and world-class facilities, we ensure that our patients are fully satisfied. Additionally, we provide vaccinations for various diseases. 

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About the Author

Dr goel
Dr. S. Goel
MBBS PGDCM FID MBAHHM at Ayu Health | Website | + posts

Dr. S. Goel  is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore.  He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.

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