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Treatment For Paresthesia: Causes and How To Treat Them

treatment for paresthesia

When someone sits for too long, they get a “pins and needles” sensation on their leg or the entire foot. Similarly, some people feel this numbness or burning sensation in various body extremities known as paresthesia. While some people get it very rarely, other people have it so bad they need treatment for paresthesia.

In addition to looking into the treatment for paresthesia, this article will explore what exactly it is, its causes, and how to get rid of paresthesia.

Let’s begin.

What is Paresthesia?

Paresthesia is a numbness or a burning sensation that can occur everywhere in the body, but it most frequently affects the extremities, such as the hands, arms, legs, or feet. It is brought on when pressure is applied to the nerve that feeds a limb and is typically a fleeting sensation. The pain disappears once the pressure is released.

Paresthesia is a numbness or a burning sensation that can occur everywhere in the body, but it most frequently affects the extremities, such as the hands, arms, legs, or feet. It is brought on when pressure is applied to the nerve that feeds a limb and is typically a fleeting sensation. The pain disappears once the pressure is released.

Lack of vitamin B causes paresthesia. There are various types of vitamin B, and they all support cellular health and energy levels. Although many people obtain their required daily dose of B vitamins through their diets, few people might need to take supplements.

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Paresthesia?

Lack of vitamin B causes paresthesia. There are various types of vitamin B, and they all support cellular health and energy levels. Although many people obtain their required daily dose of B vitamins through their diets, few people might need to take supplements.

Deficiency of Vitamin B occurs most frequently in older people, vegans, consumption of excess alcohol, and pernicious anaemia patients.

Other causes of paresthesia include:

  • Stroke
  • Several sclerosis
  • Brain or spinal cord tumour
  • High vitamin D or other vitamin levels
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • High blood pressure.
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Pinched or compressed nerve

A pinched nerve is caused when the nerve surrounding tissue presses too hard on that particular nerve. The nerve’s function is disrupted, and paresthesia is caused in the area the nerve supplies. One can experience pinched nerves anywhere on the body, including the face, neck, wrist, or back. A pinched nerve in the wrist, known as carpal tunnel syndrome, results in tingling and numb fingers.

How To Get Rid of Paresthesia?

While not all pinched nerves can be avoided, one can take steps to lessen the possibility of their occurrence. To prevent unwanted strain on the nerves, it’s essential to:

  • Maintain excellent posture and body alignment.
  • Prevent injuries resulting from heavy or improper lifting (one can prevent nerve compression, which can cause paresthesia, by paying attention to the body’s comfort with a  position and constantly switching positions).
  • Restrict repeated motions or, at the very least, take breaks while performing intense physical activities.
  • Develop strong and healthy muscles, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise regularly, including strength and flexibility training.

Treatment for Paresthesia

The following are options for treatment for paresthesia.

Rest and Bracing

To allow the tissues to heal, it’s crucial to halt the activities causing nerve compression. Resting is one option, while at other times, a brace or splint is required to prevent movement of the affected area. For instance, a person with carpal tunnel syndrome can utilize a wrist brace to immobilize their wrists. Long-term use of a brace, however, may result in further issues. So, listen to your doctor’s advice on the matter.

Physical Exercise

Physical therapy may be employed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the injured nerve. Greater muscle strength can lessen tissue compression and prevent nerve injuries that cause paresthesia. Flexibility, range of motion, and mobility can all be enhanced by having fit muscles.


Doctors may prescribe drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen sodium (Aleve), and even steroid injections into the affected area to treat pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. Pregabalin (Lyrica) or duloxetine (Cymbalta), among other drugs, may be helpful for long-term paresthesias caused by fibromyalgia.


Surgery should be a last resort treatment for paresthesia when treatments and physical therapy don’t work.

A pinched nerve that lasts for a short duration usually doesn’t result in severe harm. However, if the pinched nerve persists, it may lead to irreparable damage, chronic pain, and loss of function and sensation. Surgery is preferred to solve the issue in some instances where medical care and therapy have failed.

Surgery for paresthesia may include:

  • Cutting the carpal ligament.
  • Removing a bone spur.
  • Removing a portion of a back herniated disc.

The particular symptoms a person is dealing with, and their underlying cause will determine the kind of surgery needed.

Treatment For Paresthesia: Options

Paresthesia happens to almost everyone, but it becomes a problem when it occurs frequently. 

If you suffer from any of the symptoms of a pinched nerve (like a pinched nerve) for a prolonged period of time, it might be time to seek treatment for paresthesia.
To get assistance regarding your medical condition, visit AyuHealth — one of India’s leading hospital networks — and get in touch with one of our doctors today.

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About the Author

Dr goel
Dr. S. Goel
MBBS PGDCM FID MBAHHM at Ayu Health | Website | + posts

Dr. S. Goel  is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore.  He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.

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