The healthcare system in India has long been the subject of discussion and controversy. India has the second-largest population in the world, but its healthcare system has long suffered from a lack of funding and manpower, creating a variety of problems that have yet to be resolved. The COVID-19 epidemic has made the shortcomings of the current system even more apparent, but it has also provided a chance to rethink and rebuild India’s healthcare system. The blog will discuss the future of Indian healthcare and the challenges to overcome.
India’s Healthcare System
India’s healthcare system combines state and private healthcare services. The government-run public healthcare system offers the general people free or heavily discounted healthcare. On the other hand, the private healthcare industry is mainly unregulated and serves the needs of individuals who can afford it. The public sector’s ability to deliver high-quality healthcare has come under fire for problems including protracted wait times and physician and nurse shortages.
The system is frequently underfunded, understaffed, and has a scarcity of medical professionals. Also, there are large differences in medical availability and standard of care, with underprivileged people and rural areas frequently receiving poorer treatment. To overcome these obstacles, the government has established a number of programs, such as the National Health Mission, which hopes to enhance health outcomes and opportunities for all Indians and offer equal access to healthcare.
The Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare in India
The Indian healthcare system is under tremendous strain as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The nation’s healthcare system lacked the capacity to manage the influx of patients, and vital medical supplies like oxygen cylinders and ventilators were in short supply. This caused a significant number of deaths and brought attention to the urgent need for healthcare system improvements.
Apart from that, the mental health of the healthcare workers severely degraded while managing the extreme load. Witnessing thousands of deaths along with insanely long working hours, these workers were pushed to the extreme edge. The emphasis on COVID-19 has caused delays in non-COVID medical care, and so many hospitals were forced to turn people away owing to a shortage of resources.
Current Healthcare Issues in India
In addition to the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic, India’s healthcare system also has a number of additional problems that must be resolved in order to raise the level of healthcare services provided in the nation.
Infrastructural issues
The absence of sufficient infrastructure is one of the main problems India’s healthcare sector is experiencing. Basic amenities including power, clean water, and sanitary facilities are lacking in many healthcare institutions. This makes it challenging to offer top-notch healthcare services, particularly in rural locations.
Child mortality rates
India faces one of the highest rates of child mortality worldwide. Malnutrition, a lack of access to excellent healthcare, and unsanitary conditions are a few of the issues that contribute to this problem. This issue may be solved by raising knowledge of the value of healthy eating and cleanliness and upgrading the quality of healthcare services.
Unmanageable patient-load
There are too many patients in India’s healthcare system, which causes congested hospitals and long wait times. This is brought on by a lack of healthcare workers and a weak infrastructure. To remedy this issue, the government must spend money on expanding healthcare professional training programs for releasing more medical workers into the market and enhancing infrastructure.
What does the Future Hold?
India’s healthcare system has both possibilities and problems in the future. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the shortcomings of the current system, but it has also given the government a chance to invest in the healthcare system and raise the standard of healthcare services.
Several variables, including technological developments, shifting demographics, and changing healthcare regulations, are expected to have an impact on how Indian healthcare develops in the future. For example, with an expanding middle-class section, higher investments in the private healthcare sector are expected. Besides that, an increase in the aging population indicates a rise in cases of diabetes, heart disease, etc.
The government may benefit from the current circumstances by making investments in healthcare infrastructure and raising healthcare spending. This may result in the development of additional healthcare facilities, the education of additional healthcare workers, and the enhancement of medical supply networks.
Final Thoughts
No doubt, India has the potential to become a pioneer in the field of healthcare. However, it has to overcome challenges along the way. This includes improving the working conditions of doctors, investing in proper training, and recruiting well-motivated health workers. Ayu Health is among the advanced healthcare providers in the country, leading the way for a healthier India. For more information, reach out at 636-610-0800.
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About the Author
Dr. S. Goel
Dr. S. Goel is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore. He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.