Ayu Health

Health & Lifestyle

How To Choose a Urology Clinic / Urologist?

Patients suffering from urological issues often face difficulty finding a good urology clinic. Not any and every clinic can be optimal for your health problem. So, it becomes critical to choose a clinic that doesn’t let you wipe off your essential savings on ineffective treatments that cause no benefit to you. 

A set up of urology clinic

 Here’s a small guide that one can use to find the most suitable Urology clinic / Urologist for their ailment.

Factor affecting your selection 

  • Start with the referrals and patient testimonials

Referrals are an excellent way to select the best among all the clinics. Start with asking your general physician to suggest the urology clinics. If you don’t have a GP, ask your relatives, friends, and other healthcare providers for recommendations for the best urology clinic. 

Hearing about the experiences of the patients who were hospitalized for urological issues often help you gain a real insight into how the medical staff at the facility works. Also, you get to know about the doctors that they were operated or treated from. 

Some hospitals also organize camps / interactive sessions which involve both the urologists and recovered patients.

Online reviews can be beneficial as well in making a choice.

  • Look for credentials

An accurate diagnosis and treatment plan pivots on the experience and proficiency of the urologist.

Try to gain some insight into the expertise, experience, and credentials of the enlisted urologists. This includes knowing about their education, certification, and their history with treatment and surgeries. Years of experience, research publications, universities they have graduated from are all strong indicators of expertise.

  • Examine the infrastructure

The infrastructure of the clinics directly affects the success rates of the urology clinic, which is why you should always keep the basic amenities & facilities checklist while evaluating the clinic. 

Check for the dedicated laboratories, well-equipped operation theatres, modern instrumentation, and environmental control measures.

It’s said even small setbacks can hinder the entire treatment process leading to miserable happenings, so pay attention to little details. Accreditation by NABH, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers, is a good sign in terms of evaluating all the parameters listed above.

  • Treatments available

Seek a urology clinic that offers a range of medical facilities and treatments under one roof. Try to gain insights into every therapy available at the clinic, along with their expenses. 

Go for a clinic that ensures that every urological surgery designed is tailored to your needs and background history.

  • Consider gender 

People suffering from urological issues often feel offended while opening about it in front of people and doctors. 

So, if you are one of them, don’t feel awkward, and while choosing the urology clinic, keep in mind which gender of the doctor will make you comfortable to share everything about your problem. Because if you are not able to do so, you may not get rid of the problem. 

  • Cost of treatment/insurance coverage

It is critical to always check medical expenses or surgery costs to get the treatment. Choose a urology clinic that participates in your insurance plan. It will help you receive various benefits and pay least out of your pocket.

If you have a health insurance policy, you want to make sure about what is covered and to what extent. As much as possible, choose a network hospital to avail of cashless hospitalization.

Choose Ayu Health

Ayu Health is India’s most trusted network of hospitals. Our in-house urology experts are among the best in their field and will suggest the most optimal urology treatment (surgical or non-surgical) for the patients depending upon their case. 

Also, our fixed-price policy and coverage of insurance don’t let you restrict yourself from getting treated because of the rising medical bill.  

Ayu Health offer all advanced and effective urology treatments. We not only have a skillful doctor’s team but also carry mandatory certifications from the government authorities. NABH, India’s premier hospital accreditation authority, recognizes all the AyuHealth hospitals.

Ayu Health also lets you clear your doubts before the decision making process by helping you consult with the finest and proficient doctors under whom your treatment process takes place.

If you are looking for a leading hospital and an expert doctor who can treat and perform the effective surgical or non-surgical urology-related treatment and suggest the best methods to get the procedure just right for you in India, you can call +91 – 6366 100 800 or visit our website.

Our Hospital Locations

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Our Doctors

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About the Author

Dr. Udaybhaskar M
MBBS, MS (General Surgery), MCh (Urology), FMAS at Ayu Health | Website | + posts

Dr. Uday Bhaskar is a renowned urologist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore.

He is proficient in Endourology, RIRS, (open and laparoscopy), andrology (penile lengthening & penile prosthesis for erectile problems), and other urological procedures. Over the course of his career, he has performed many laser TURPs for prostate enlargement. He also has vast experience in treating renal stones and performing PNCLs.

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