Ayu Health

Eye Health, Health & Lifestyle

4 Foods That Can Help You Avoid Vision Problems

Vision Problems
Vegetables and fruits arrangement Free Photo
A good diet can improve your vision and keep you away from eye disease

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”, said Hippocrates. 

And it’s true. A healthy diet is nothing short of medicine. Consuming fresh vegetables, fruits and proteins helps you build your immunity, strengthens every organ and creates that barrier that diseases and germs will find difficult to cross.

When you picture someone older, the image that first comes to mind is a pair of glasses. 

Aging is associated with eye sight problems. But, did you know that if you really take care of your eyes, you can keep yourself away from those glasses for a long time?

In this article, let’s learn what are those 7 foods that you can include in your diet which will keep eye problems like dry eyes, retina disease etc away from you. 

  1. Citrus Fruits

Lemons, oranges, sweet lime, pomelo, grapefruit, all of these are varieties of citrus fruits. These fruits are abundant in Vitamin C. This particular vitamin is an antioxidant. What it does is that it keeps the cells of your eyes functioning well and protects them from any diseases. 

Include these as fresh juices, sprinkle some on your food or even have them whole. They will do a lot of good to your eyes!

  1. Fish

There are such things as healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Unhealthy are those that come from eating fried food or from junk food that is high in fats like butter, cream etc.

Healthy fats come from natural foods like nuts. A big source of healthy fats is fish. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which can help in keeping the retina healthy. 

Fish like tuna, salmon and other oily fish have good quantities of Omega-3 fatty acids and consuming them at least once or twice a week guarantees you good eye health.

So much so, that age related macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause for blindness among older people can be easily avoided by consuming fish. 

Make your meal plan in such a way that you include fresh fish once a week so that you don’t miss out on having it. 

  1. Carrots

We’ve heard this from our parents and grandparents that carrots are good for your eyes. Well, this is not just a story. It is in fact true that carrots have properties that help to fight eye disease. 

Carrots have substances like Vitamin A and beta carotene which play a major role in keeping eyes healthy. 

Every part of the eye like retina, cornea, the fluid in the eye are all influenced by the amount of vitamin A you consume. Eat more carrots and make your eyes healthy and happy!

Carrots are versatile. You can include them in salads, rice bowls, even in desserts like gajar ka halwa. 

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Just like citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables also are a great source of vitamin C. Apart from Vitamin C, they also have vitamin A, K, iron, calcium, magnesium, lutein and zeaxanthin. All of these are great to maintain healthy eyes. 

Reports suggest that green leafy vegetables are so powerful that they can even help you prevent cataracts. AMD or degeneration of eyes which leads to blindness can also be prevented if you consume good amounts of these green wonders. 

Blue rays which are emitted from devices like phones, laptops etc create a lot of eye strain. This kind of strain also leads to damage to the eyes in the long run. Lutein and zeaxanthin which are available in leafy greens contain elements that have the capability to filter these rays and protect your eyes.

You can pair these up with soups, dals, even your rotis to give you that extra boost of green that your body and eyes will thank you for. 

Just a little bit of care goes a long way in keeping your eyes healthy. Take some time out. Do some eye exercises. Maintain a healthy diet and you will ensure that you have a healthy vision. 

Ayu Health care for you. Eye health is critical and we realise that. If you want to know more about your retina and eye health, please check out this video from one of our expert eye specialists atAyu Health. 

Services that we offer range from basic eye tests to the most complicated procedures that help our patients have a healthy vision. If you have any questions about your eyes or how you can keep them healthy, just pick up the phone and dial 08069489584. We’ll help you sort everything out. Promise. 

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