Ayu Health

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World Primary Immunodeficiency Week- April 2023


World Primary Immunodeficiency Week is a global healthcare event celebrated between April 22 and 29, intending to raise global awareness of primary immunodeficiency illnesses. Primary immunodeficiencies, also known as inborn defects of immunity, are caused by genetic abnormalities that leave a person lacking crucial immune system functional components. Researching this broad set of disorders is essential to improve diagnoses, available treatment, and patient quality of life. Let us go through this blog to learn about immunodeficiency, the importance of world immunodeficiency week, disease types, causes, and treatments.

Primary Immunodeficiency

World Primary Immunodeficiency Week 2023 Theme

The World Primary Immunodeficiency Week theme for 2023 is “Turning real-world data into knowledge for better primary immunodeficiency care,” as determined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), where the quality of patients’ data is important.

  • Identifying the disease
  • Creating standardized, safe, and individualized treatment and developing novel therapies.
  • Creating evidence-based conclusions can assist policymakers in adopting or amending policies that will benefit PID patients.

Importance Of World Primary Immunodeficiency (WPI) Week 

Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) affects an increasing percentage of people worldwide. Various signs and symptoms can help detect primary immunodeficiency, which is common in many types. Even though it varies from person to person, these symptoms can assist doctors in making a diagnosis. It is also vital that family carers and the general public recognize symptoms and understand when to seek medical assistance. Primary immunodeficiency, early identification, and patient-specific therapy can prevent additional issues and improve the patient’s quality of life. This can be accomplished by creating innovative medicines for PI and improving public access to and quality information regarding primary immunodeficiency.

What Is Immunodeficiency?

Immunodeficiency is a condition characterized by a failure or absence of immune system components such as lymphocytes, phagocytes, and the complement system. Individuals are at risk of major infection problems due to these inborn abnormalities.  

Immunodeficiency Types

There are two immunodeficiency types called primary and secondary.


These are genetic illnesses usually hereditary and usually present from birth. They usually appear throughout infancy or childhood. Some primary immunodeficiency disorders, such as common variable immunodeficiency, do not manifest until adulthood. There are around 100 different types of primary immunodeficiency diseases. All are relatively uncommon.


These problems usually appear later in life and are often the result of the use of certain medications or another disorder, such as diabetes or HIV infection. They occur more frequently than primary immunodeficiency disorders.

Immunodeficiency Causes 

Mutations in a certain gene can cause primary immunodeficiency diseases. The ensuing disorder is known as an X-linked disorder if the mutant gene is on the X (sex) chromosome. X-linked diseases are more common in boys. Other immunodeficiency causes include abnormalities in the B lymphocytes (B cells). These immune system cells produce antibodies, particular proteins found in the body. Antibodies are used by the immune system to kill pathogens (disease-causing organisms) such as bacteria and viruses. Males account for over 60% of those suffering from primary immunodeficiency diseases. 

Immunodeficiency Diagnosis 

Primary immunodeficiency diagnosis is based on your personal and family medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Your healthcare provider may conduct the following diagnostic tests to confirm your diagnosis

  • Blood tests are used to detect particular immune system disorders.
  • Genetic testing is used to detect gene mutations.
  • Flow cytometry examines samples of immune system cells with a specific laser.

Immunodeficiency Treatment 

Immunoglobulin treatments, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, gene therapy, and, in the case of infection, intensive use of antibiotics, antifungals, and interferon to enhance immune system function are available for several PIDs.

Primary Immunodeficiency

Immunodeficiency treatment may sometimes involve surgery to manage infection problems. A surgeon, for example, can drain an abscess to ease pain and assist in healing. An abscess is an aggregate of pus that forms inside the body’s tissues or organs. Pus is composed of white blood cells that have died as a result of your body’s infection-fighting efforts.

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Finally, World Primary Immunodeficiency Week 2023 is an important awareness campaign highlighting the obstacles faced by people with primary immunodeficiency illnesses. This World Primary Immunodeficiency Week 2023 is a great opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of various conditions on patients’ and their families’ lives. It also emphasizes the significance of early detection, appropriate treatment, and continuous support for people with primary immunodeficiency disorders.

At Ayu Health Network of hospitals, we provide accurate diagnosis and treatment for all conditions including immunodeficiencies. We provide the best treatment and care at affordable costs. Patient welfare is our top priority and we always ensure to give the best to our patients. 

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About the Author

Dr goel
Dr. S. Goel
MBBS PGDCM FID MBAHHM at Ayu Health | Website | + posts

Dr. S. Goel  is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore.  He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.

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