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World Occupational Safety Week is in April 2023

World Occupational Safety Week is in April 2023

On World Occupational Safety Week 2023, the topic of a safe and healthy working environment as an elemental concept and right at work will be addressed. It is recognized annually on April 28 to encourage the global prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. It is a public awareness campaign focused on bringing international attention to the size of the problem and how encouraging and fostering a safety and health culture can help decrease the number of work-related fatalities and serious injuries.

Occupational Safety

History of world occupational safety week 

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) began observing World Day in 2003 to emphasize the avoidance of workplace accidents and diseases, capitalizing on the ILO’s traditional strengths of tripartism and social interaction. Since 1996, the trade union movement has observed April 28 as International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers.

Importance of world occupational safety week 

World occupational safety week is an important instrument for spreading awareness of how to make work safe and healthy and the need to improve the political profile of occupational safety and health, one of the Global Strategy’s main cornerstones.

World Occupational safety week 2023 theme 

The World Day occupational safety week 2023 theme is “A Safe and healthy working environment as a fundamental principle and Right at Work,” spotlighting the seriousness of workplace safety and health as a vital concept and right for workers. The major goal of this event is to investigate practical strategies to implement this fundamental human right in businesses around the world.

How to be aware in the workplace?

It is essential to always be cautious about what is happening in your surrounding; remember, your safety is your responsibility. Understand the dangers associated with your employment or workplace, and avoid potentially hazardous sites or circumstances. Be alert and observant of the work, and watch for machines. Avoid driving or using drugs or alcohol before heading to work, as this can impair your focus, coordination, judgment, motor control, and alertness.

Occupational Safety

Hazards and risks 

A hazard has the intensity to cause damage, harm, or adverse health effects to something or someone. The risk is defined as the “probability or likelihood of developing a disease or being injured,” whereas the hazard is the agent responsible. The following are the five most prevalent workplace hazards,

1. Safety hazards

Employees who work directly with heavy machinery or on construction sites are at risk from these hazards. Safety hazards are unsafe working circumstances that can result in injury, disease, or death. 

2. Biological hazards

Biological dangers, often known as biohazards, are any biological substances that can cause harm to humans. Working with animals, people, or pathogenic plant materials can all expose you to harm or disease. Workplaces with these types of safety dangers include, but are not limited to, schools, nursery schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, laboratories, emergency response, nursing homes, and many outdoor jobs.

3. Physical hazards

Physical risks may be the least visible of all the hazards in your workplace. Physical risks, despite their name, aren’t necessarily something you can see or touch. Workers face physical hazards when exposed to hazardous working conditions or harsh weather. Workers exposed to the sun for a large amount of time can face physical threats that can have long-term consequences for their health. 

4. Ergonomic hazards

When the nature of the job, body positions, and working environment burden your body, ergonomic safety concerns develop. They are the most difficult to detect because you do not always notice the strain on your body or the harm these hazards pose. Short-term exposure may cause “sore muscles” the next day or the days after the strain, but long-term exposure might cause major long-term problems.

5. Chemical hazards

Chemical dangers exist whenever a worker is exposed to any chemical preparation in the workplace (solid, liquid, or gas). Some are safer than others, but for some people who are chemically sensitive, even ordinary solutions might cause illness, skin irritation, or breathing difficulties.

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World Occupational Safety Week serves as a reminder of the value of continuing to invest in occupational safety and health. By implementing workplace safety measures, employers can protect their employees and reduce the chance of accidents and injuries. This, in turn, can result in increased productivity, decreased absences from work, and a healthier and happier workforce.

At Ayu Health Network of hospitals, we ensure that each person working for us and with us feels safe. The well-being of your employees is our responsibility, and we ensure to look after their mental health as well as their physical health. To ensure our employees feel safe, we conduct various gatherings and sessions. At Ayu Health Network of hospitals, we ensure to give everything that is best for our employees and patients.

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About the Author

Dr goel
Dr. S. Goel
MBBS PGDCM FID MBAHHM at Ayu Health | Website | + posts

Dr. S. Goel  is a renowned Internal Medicine Specialist currently practicing at Ayu Health, Bangalore.  He is a Specialist in Internal Medicine, Diabetes HTN, Paediatric Care, and Family Medicine.

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