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How to choose the best hospital for Neurosurgery?

It can be quite worrisome if you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with a neurological disorder. It often brings a plethora of worries and queries for the patient and his/her family. And the first question that crops up is, “Which hospital to trust for such a complex procedure?”

Image showing neurosurgery

The search for the right hospital to perform neurosurgery may seem a challenging and overwhelming task for many. Here we attempt to make the task a bit easier by listing certain factors that one should consider while identifying the hospital.

Factors to consider while choosing a hospital for neurosurgery

  • Start with the referrals and patient testimonials

Referrals are an excellent way to kickstart the selection process of a neurology hospital. You can check with your physician, ask your relatives, friends, and other healthcare providers for recommendations for the best neurology hospital. 

Hearing about the experiences of the patients who were hospitalized for treatments often helps you gain a real insight into the quality of care offered by the hospital. As such, always good to ask hospitals for feedback from their previous patients. Some hospitals also organize camps / interactive sessions, which involve both the neurosurgeons and recovered patients.

Online reviews are also often helpful in making the right kind of selection.

  • Look for credentials

The selection of the right hospital highly depends on the expertise of neurosurgeons serving there. An accurate diagnosis followed by a substantial treatment plan pivots on the experience and proficiency of the neurosurgeon.

Try to gain some insight into the expertise, experience, and credentials of the enlisted neurosurgeons. This includes knowing about their education, certification, and their history with treatment and surgeries. Years of experience, research publications, universities they have graduated from are all reliable indicators of expertise.

  • Examine the infrastructure

The infrastructure of the hospitals directly reflects their success rates, which is why you should always keep the basic amenities & facilities checklist while evaluating the hospital. Check for the dedicated laboratories, well-equipped operation theatres, modern instrumentation, and environmental control measures.

Accreditation by NABH, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers, is a good sign in terms of evaluating all the parameters listed above.

  • Treatments available

Seek a hospital that offers the full range of medical facilities and treatments in context with your ailment under one roof. This is important as it ensures that the hospital/doctor is able to provide the most optimal treatment to you, and not force-fit some other treatment for the lack of facilities.

  • Cost of treatment/insurance coverage

It is imperative to keep a check on the medical expenses as neurosurgeries can get quite expensive.

If you have insurance, choosing a network hospital can be beneficial as it allows you to avail cashless treatment. Also, check with the hospital staff beforehand about inclusions/exclusions for your specific policy.

In case you are not covered by insurance, choose a hospital that is transparent about costs. Enquire if they offer a package for the surgery that covers all / most costs.

Choose Ayu Health

Ayu Health is India’s most trusted network of hospitals. Our in-house neurology experts are among the best in their field. Our hospitals have the most advanced technology and offer a complete range of neurosurgery procedures. All our hospitals are accredited by NABH, India’s premier hospital accreditation authority.

We offer fixed-price packages for most procedures and accept all major insurance schemes.

If you are looking for a leading hospital and an expert doctor who can treat and perform effective surgical neurology-related treatment and suggest the best methods to get the procedure just right for you in India, you can call +91 – 6366 100 800 or visit us at  https://ayu.health/bangalore/speciality/Neurology-11. We have an expert oncologist with over 15 years of experience who delivers seamless care to patients.

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